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Your Page TitleDonation of Dustbins and Environmental Cleanliness | GTBank Tanzania

Donation of Dustbins and Environmental Cleanliness

Regent Estate, Victoria Area – 23rd March 2019

It might seem trivial, but cleanliness gives rise to a good character. It does this by keeping the body, mind, and soul peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is an essential part of a healthy living, since it is through cleanliness that we keep away those things our bodies often fight, and additionally help us improve our personalities.

In this day and age of environmentally concerned individuals, we are outwardly interested in the healthy state of our surroundings. As populations increase and we become more connected with our environment and each other, we continuously grow our desire to conserve and preserve that which keeps us, …our environment, for the generational future of our bonds.

Our desire for a cleaner environment represents our powerful sense of destiny and hope, backed by our ambition to serve a growing world through our contributions and support.

The relationship we have with our environment is synergetic and interdependent. Our environment fulfils us when it is used to apply our sciences, recreate, and practice our favourite arts. Its natural resources and energy also serve as a unique means of capital, which allow us to run our businesses and grow our economy at large.

For our contribution in the name of a cleaner world, we chose to conduct an environmental clean-up exercise at Regent Estate, within which Guaranty Trust Bank Tanzania operates, hence sending a message to the community concerned, and giving rise to the urgent need for cleanliness within our immediate environment and beyond. Furthermore, we donated public dustbins to the Ward Council in the area, ensuring that the environmental cleanliness achieved did not just end with a one-day exercise alone, but through the continuous preservative efforts of the people we strive to serve.