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Your Page TitleComplaints Handling Policy | GTBank Tanzania

Guaranty Trust Bank (the Bank) is committed to improving the quality and standard of its products, services and processes while ensuring an exceptional Customer experience is maintained at all times.

We acknowledge that occasionally customers may have cause to be dissatisfied with our product and/or service. In such situations, we will take actions to resolve their complaints and turn them to learning points for service improvement.

A complaint is an “expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organization, relating to its products, services, and staff response on the resolution of a complaint- whether explicit or implicit, expected or legally required’’.

This policy provides a step by step guide to customers on how to log complaints and how such complaints are treated by the Bank.

Our front line staff have been empowered to properly review and investigate complaints received while providing a one-stop resolution.

Channels of Complaints

We encourage you to make complaints through the following channels:

  • Complete a feedback/complaint form on our website (www.gtbank.com) or Mobile Applications.
  • Call our Interactive Contact center +255 222 772 533 to speak with a Customer service representative.
  • Send an email to customercaretz@gtbank.com.
  • Reach us via social media: Twitter (@gtbanktanzania), Facebook (@gtbanktz)
  • Visit any GTBank branch to speak directly to any of our customer service representatives.

What We Require to Treat a Complaint

To help us resolve your complaint quickly and efficiently, please include:

  • Your Account details: Account number and name.
  • The Product/Service you are dissatisfied with.
  • Other information about the complaint. Where applicable, include copies of relevant documents.
  • Transaction details, e.g:
    • Amount
    • Date of transaction
    • Channel used for transaction
    • Transaction references number etc.
  • Propose actions to resolve your complaint.

What we do when we receive a Complaint

When we receive your complaint, here is what we do:

  • Automatically log the complaints
  • Send you an acknowledgement email within 24-48 hours containing an auto generated Ticket Identification Number.
  • Review and investigate the complaint fairly and promptly.
  • Where we require more time to enable us carry out further review/investigation, we notify you and continue to provide updates until the issue is fully and satisfactorily resolved.
  • Provide feedback including action taken to ensure final resolution within the stipulated timeline.
  • Once final feedback is provided, we will carry out a root-cause analysis in order to modify/improve the service or process in question.